Boosting morale with complimentary lunches
While COVID-19 presented us with necessary safety restrictions at the start of the year, we resumed our summer lunches as soon as it was safe to do so. At Central Precast, free lunches in the summer season have become an important way to boost morale amongst employees and customers, and this year the chance to reconnect was even more crucial than ever. We arranged four outdoor lunches (so we could adhere to Public Health guidelines) to recognize our incredible team and loyal contractors. We are thankful for suppliers like Permacon and Rinox who teamed up with us to host our last two lunches of the season. The events provided a fun, informal opportunity for employees and suppliers to strengthen their relationships with contractors and customers. Each lunch was supplied by a different Ottawa food truck – a chance for us to support local and give back to our community. Thank you to all who came out to fill their stomachs and share laughs and smiles!