Architectural panels are typically produced as a solid panel as opposed to an integrated insulation system. These solid panels are then attached to the steel structure of the building and will act as the exterior façade.
To complement the incredible variety of colours and textures available, various other materials may be cast on the face of precast concrete panels. Natural stone, such as polished granite or marble, as well as clay brick veneer, have been cast into panels for a unique appearance that is unachievable through other building materials.
Precast concrete insulated Thermowall® panels provide a functional and aesthetic wall system. The panels consist of two conventionally reinforced or prestressed concrete wythes with a continuous layer of rigid insulation (typically extruded polystyrene) sandwiched between the two wythes. Solid precast exterior and interior wythes protect the insulation and prevent settling or shifting that could reduce thermal efficiency. The type and thickness of rigid insulation contained in sandwich panels can vary with the thermal requirements of the building. The thermal mass characteristics are unmatched by any other material. A higher thermal rating means more energy savings over the entire life of the structure.
Both architectural and Thermowall® panels can be designed as loadbearing structural panels where they can become an integral part of the structure. This is both a structurally efficient and economical means of transferring floor and roof loads through the structure and into the foundation. Loadbearing panels can reduce costs and simplify construction when they’re integrated correctly into the design of the building.